
HospitalView Product Suite

AssetView tracks all physical assets, optimizes ROI, improves security, reduces costs, captures lost revenues and improves quality/compliance measures 

EDView provides a comprehensive solution to streamline Emergency Department operations, while reducing costs, cutting wait times and improving quality of service 

PatientView tracks patient flow throughout the hospital, reduces wait times, increases safety, improves quality metrics, enhances compliance while driving customer satisfaction 

ProviderView increases efficiency of clinical workflow, matches providers with patients, enhances provider safety, and tracks entry/exit into hot zones for infectious disease zone monitoring and control. 

The primary advantage of this modular approach is to enable hospitals to implement a highly-sophisticated enterprise IT solution in small, digestible components and to significantly accelerate return on investment. 

In addition Mobile Matrix provides turnkey applications targeted towards specific application area like OR and Ambulatory Surgical Centers. Together with key elements from all the MatrixViewTM modules these provide a framework for performance management, revenue optimization, patient safety, quality and cost-control. 

Underlying these applications is the XSightTM platform that:

  • Interfaces with a broad range of wireless signal and tracking technologies
  • Provides a strong spatial engine to map RTLS data to real world constructs
  • Performs correlation of data from multiple sources
  • Provides logical decision-making based on a robust inference engine
  • Structures and implements process workflows
  • Generates alerts for process exceptions and escalation paths